
Battle in the Bed European website launching before Christmas 2017!

Stay tuned!

Retailer and distributor information: info@battleinthebed.eu


German website: www.schmuseduell.de

German orders: https://www.spiele-offensive.de/Spiel/Schmuse-Duell-1015845.html

Hungary: www.hancurparbaj.hu

Hungarian orders: www.felnotttarsasok.hu

Portuguese distributor: www.diver.pt

Portuguese orders: http://diver.pt/index.php?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=duelo+na+cama&submit_search=

Romanian distributor: www.varuna.ro

Romanian orders: http://www.varuna.ro/jucarii/joc-pentru-adulti-bohema—tu-sau-eu—duelul-seductiei—b629416.html

Slovakian distributors wanted for early 2018 launch!

UK website: www.battleinthebed.co.uk


Global website: www.battleinthebed.com

Australian website: www.battleinthebed.com.au

New Zealand website: www.battleinthebed.co.nz

USA & Canada: www.vice.games

US orders: https://www.vice.games/products/138159474393088-battle-in-the-bed/


Trade enquiries – licensing and language versions for other territories:info@bohemagames.com


Board game summary

Battle In The Bed

Dreams come true

For 2 players

Playing time: 45-60 minutes

Adult board game for a couple

The aim of the game is to reach joyful, mutual satisfaction. Perfect for new couples to get to know each other and great for bringing new excitement into longer relationships.

Carrying out ever steamier tasks to titillate their partner, the players progress from the Temptation Zone through the Desire Zone to the Battle In The Bed Zone.


Battle in the Bed is a sophisticated adult board game with gorgeous artwork.

It has brought fun and excitement into almost 40,000 couples’ lives all over the world.



Hello Europe!

Welcome to the European Battle in the Bed board game website. These pages are under development. We just wanted to share our excitement with you about the imminent launch of our game in Australia.